電子路徑傳感器用于記錄流體技術系統中的氣缸位置。 功能和執行形式由各自的使用條件決定。 為了滿足這些要求,HYDAC提供了一個全面的程序,從簡單的附件傳感器到客戶特定的完全集成的傳感器
Whether it be shipbuilding or machine tool, mobile crane or steel mill, machine construction, off-shore or laboratory applications. Our extensive product range offers the appropriate electromagnetic resolver for your application.
Type series:
HLT 1000 for mobile applications
HLT 2000 for industrial, stationary applications
Please select:HYDAC ELECTRONIC offers a different of flow rate measuring transducers and flow switches for recording the flow rate in machines and plants.
The flow rate measuring transducer of the EVS 3000 series works in accordance with the turbine principle (recording the rpm of an impeller wheel rotating in the media flow). Depending on the version, additional connection openings for pressure and/or temperature transmitters are available. The flow monitors of the HFS 2000 series are based on the buoyancy transmitter measurement principle. Under these circumstances, the measurement medium deflects a spring-charged buoyancy transmitter in the flow direction, depending on the flow rate. A reed contact is fitted outside of the device. This will switch when the magnet integrated in the buoyancy transmitter reaches the preset position. Electronic flow rate measuring transducers for general applications:
EVS 3100 (for oils / viscous media)
EVS 3110 (for water-based media)
Electromechanical flow monitors for general applications:
HFS 2100 (for oils / viscous media)
HFS 2500 (for water-based media)
HYDAC ELECTRONIC提供不同的流量測量傳感器和流量開關,用于記錄機器和設備中的流量。
EVS 3000系列的流量測量傳感器根據渦輪原理(記錄在介質流中旋轉的葉輪的轉速)工作。根據版本,可以使用用于壓力和/或溫度變送器的附加連接開口。 HFS 2000系列的流量監測器基于浮力變送器測量原理。在這種情況下,測量介質根據流量使流量方向上的彈簧式浮力變送器偏轉。簧片觸點安裝在設備外部。當集成在浮力變送器中的磁體到達預設位置時,這將切換。用于一般應用的電子流量測量傳感器:
EVS 3100(用于油/粘性介質)
EVS 3110(水性介質)
HFS 2100(用于油/粘性介質)
HFS 2500(用于水性介質)
請選擇:The flow rate measuring transducer of the EVS 3000 series works
in accordance with the turbine principl
e (recording the rpm of an impeller wheel
rotating in the media flow).
高壓球閥 X? 1
高壓球閥 1
高壓球閥 KHB-20SR-1212-01X 1
高壓球閥 KHB-25SR-1212-01X? 1
高壓球閥 KHB-16SR-1212-01X 1
高壓球閥 KHM-G11/2-1112-06X 1
高壓球閥 KHM-G2-1112-01X 1
高壓球閥 KHM-G2-1112-06X 3
油濾芯 賀德克N15DM002
FLND BN/HC 100 FDD 10 B1.1
濾芯-RFD BN/HC 660 DAN 5D1.1/-L24
移動式濾油車-fcm 60L/min 20μm
數顯溫度控制器 ETS326-3-100-000
溫度控制器ETS 326-3-100-000
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄