leakage is quite small and there is no worry about hydraulic lock.
because of the residual air in the valve.
These valves are used for opening/closing the oil path
At the time of test run, there is a possibility
that the oil may not flow even after the solenoid is energised
by having the poppet v alve operated with an electric signal via solenoid.
Because these are of poppet type, the internal
prefix "F-" to the model number because the special seals
(fluororubber) are required to be used.
Use water-glycol fluids or W/O emulsion type fluids.
Use hydraulic fluids which satisfy the recommended
Use fluids equivalent to ISO VG 32 or VG46. Use phosphate ester
lead to breakdowns and shorten the life of the valves.
Please maintain the degree of contamination
within NAS 1638-Grade 1 2. Use 25 μm or finer line filter.
or polyol ester fluid. When phosphate ester fluid is used,
Oil temperatures between ?15/+70°C (5 - 158°F)
Due caution must be paid to maintaining control over
Viscosity ranging between 15 - 400 mm /s (77 - 1800 SSU)
viscosity and oil temperatures given above.
contamination of the hydraulic fluids which may otherwise
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄